Allege in a sentence as a verb

It's such a weird thing to even allege.

The plaintiff must allege "enough facts to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.

The company can't allege the check was incorrect, for example.

As I stated before, I have heard no one, on any side, allege discrimination.

I'm guessing most lawyers would never give you the "all clear" to allege sexual misconduct in a public venue.

Data fabrication is a serious charge to make, and I am surprised Mr Giles would allege it without clearer proof.

Remember, "allegations" are just that, and there is a gap between what the prosecutors might allege and what they can prove in court.

I agree, but allege that San Francisco is more interested in remaining a postcard than in being a city.

> To allege he won't receive a fair trial in the United States is completely ridiculous.

[1]The plaintiff here alleges that Pinkmeth and Tor had a "meeting of the minds" but it is insufficient to simply parrot one of the elements of the claim.

I'm reading some of the more specific, step by step descriptions of the sexual activity allegedly involved.

"Nor did the original article specifically allege that it was "the Chinese", or that the backdoor was malicious.

In the cease and desist, the Verizon's lawyers allege that Netflix can't possibly know if the network slow-down is coming from Verizon's network or other parts of the internet.

"Nowhere in their story do the reporters allege that the NSA has been bulk-downloading private Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. information with the cooperation of those companies.

For example, the plaintiff must allege that someone affiliated with the Tor project provided Pinkmeth with technical support, from which we might infer a "meeting of the minds" as to the unlawful purpose.

| To allege he won't receive a fair trial in the | United States is completely ridiculous Would you, as a whistleblower, trust your former employer, on whom you blew the whistle, to be your judge, jury and executioner?

They did not allege rape.- The initial prosecutor dropped their investigation as not meeting criteria that would merit its continuance.- Later, a second prosecutor -- in a different district and with no prior involvement -- picked the case up and pursued it further.

""The plaintiffs allege that Google has employed such practices since around 2010, when it began using a new technology, known as Content Onebox, that allows the company to intercept and scan emails before they reach their intended recipients, rather than after messages are delivered to users’ inboxes, regardless of whether ads are turned off.

Allege definitions


report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money"

See also: aver