Alimony in a sentence as a noun

Divorced, have to pay child alimony so they don't have enough money to pay the rent.

If it wasn't for me working long hours after school and the alimony from my estranged father we wouldn't have made it.

And of course, this whole time, you will be considered a "deadbeat dad".BTW, I was shocked to find out that, in some states, men* have to pay lifetime alimony.

Wait until you have kids about to go to college or, if you are unlucky, alimony and child-support obligations.

My mind is continually blown by the cases in which husband catches wife cheating, husband sues for divorce, wife gets custody, half of assets and alimony.

In the same vein, someone quitting their job after having already committed to car payments, house payments, and alimony is also a huge risk.

He's divorced twice, different kids by each mother, pays over 65% of his income in child support and alimony, buys used cars with exceptionally low reliability and poor gas mileage, never educated himself or got any work certificates or anything so his salary without those weights isn't all that great anyways, and now that he's in this pinch wonders how to solve his rather significant money problems.

Alimony definitions


court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated

See also: maintenance