Alibi in a sentence as a noun

This doesn't give you the alibi, since you have to be there in the same room to drop it.

Not only will Student B succeed in skipping class, they get get an alibi as well.

So you've got DNA on the person, your cell phone is in the area, and you don't have a particular alibi.

The probability of a false match + you being in the area with no alibi is very slim

Phone records can give a person an alibi that would otherwise have been very difficult to prove.

"Ah, so you don't have an alibi for last night and you are in possession of a 9mm weapon... How interesting"Lawyer!

It's pretty disturbing to read things like this:"Unless I could break this guys alibi a murderer might be walking on the street.

Alibi in a sentence as a verb

The criminal justice system is used to sorting out claimed alibi's. I'm doubtful you have discovered some novel hack to the justice system.

This way, you can't be immediately cross-referenced, but if asked, you have an alibi.

So I assume they're also using them to exonerate people who otherwise don't have an alibi but could be falsely accused, right?Right?

Under interrogation, the suspect gives an alibi that ultimately checks out.

Yes, but doing it with the insulin pump: - Makes it look like a medical emergency - Doesn't splatter you with bodily fluids - Can be executed in a way that gives you an alibi

A tool that almost completely removes risk of getting caught and need for alibi will surely be seen as more practical by all except mad and ridiculously dumb people, regardless of how less effective it is.

As a telecommuter that lives in the suburbs, I probably get out less than I should... I don't know how well that represents you, but I can imagine a scenario in which my alibi is the ever-faithful "I was at home.

Alibi definitions


(law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question


a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.; "he kept finding excuses to stay"; "every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job"; "his transparent self-justification was unacceptable"

See also: excuse exculpation self-justification


exonerate by means of an alibi