Alerting in a sentence as a noun

That damn red alerting bell that Google+ users all get?

Twillo will is our first choice for an upcoming SMS alerting project.

How is that any less treason than alerting our lenders that their systems have been broken into?

The second is, of course, large project work: users need a new service, the alerting system needs to be replaced, new infrastructure needs to be built.

Surely there is a better platform for alerting about outages than ycombinator?

Seeing the possibility of a breach, and alerting customers is definitely the right thing.

"Do you further, or alternatively deny that alerting those people to the fact that the FBI knows about them would harm the FBI's ability to stop them from harming people in the US?

Executive barge in allows a user with the appropriate rights to open an audio channel to any phone connected to the switch, bypassing the alerting phase.

[...] Our findings suggest that the sensitivity of the human alerting and cognitive response to polychromatic light at levels as low as 40 lux, is blue-shifted relative to the three-cone visual photopic system.

First off, there's a whole school and practice of security measures which is aimed more at revealing breaches than in preventing them, per se. Audits, tamper-evident seals, tell-tales placed in maps, watermarks in documents or images, and very large swaths of system monitoring, reporting, and alerting.

Keep in mind that this detector provides no increase in safety, and if anything is a regression because it postpones alerting the user to prevent the annoyance of false positives.

Munin is good for out of the box graphing, but relatively poor for actual monitoring/alerting and hard to write new plugins for with limited availability of additional plugins.

Once we got past the big fight about "always showing your work" not being a 'for all time, forever' edict but instead for a 'these problems while you are learning' edict, it became possible to do math in this ponderous way, but only when learning and only when training our minds on the steps and alerting ourselves to the places we were likely to make mistakes.

Alerting definitions


a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG"

See also: alertness


a warning serves to make you more alert to danger

See also: alert