Alembic in a sentence as a noun

Wtf is that ?edit: using the current toolchain it's: alembic upgrade head

The way I work is I add a new model, and then run alembic to autogenerate the migration.

" Check the generated schema in migrate/versions/ Tweak the migration and then `alembic upgrade head`6.

Let me jump in as somebody very familiar with two of the tools mentioned in the OP--sqlachemy and alembic.> posts about why they are evilThere are legitimate flame wars to be had about ORMs being "evil", but they all have to be had in the context of using them to solve a particular thing.

There is no point in hashing it out without knowing what OP or me or you or some particular person is doing.> being able to do arbitrary schema migrations is considerably harderBeing able to do arbitrary schema migrations is not a feature anybody is seriously suggesting, either for SQLite, sqlalchemy, alembic, or any other tool.

Alembic definitions


an obsolete kind of container used for distillation; two retorts connected by a tube