Alcoholism in a sentence as a noun

I still have cyclo, but it's managed and I lose less time/health/energy to it than the average "bro" loses to alcoholism/hangovers.

He never quite kicked his alcoholism but he was much more fulfilled and productive than as an oil company executive.

Having been to a few github meetups in SF, they're largely sober affairs - I haven't observed much alcoholism or drunkenness.

Implying that this patient's alcoholism killed her because her liver couldn't handle the anesthetic is disingenuous at best.

But judging from literally every ex-soldier I've met, "witless alcoholism" is what defines and unifies military service.

Working at Google is not defined by the presence of cafeterias, alcoholism is not a way of life, and overwork is no more prevalent than any other Silicon Valley company I've worked at.

I suffer physical withdrawal which is somewhat uncomfortable, but the fact that I could forget to have caffeine in the first place indicates a different sort of addiction than my alcoholism.

Be it related to atheism or religion or sexual orientation or recovering alcoholism or even stamp collecting or trainspotting, there are a lot of groups that one might want to join that they wouldn't necessarily want to shout about to everyone.

This statement probably also applies:...alcoholism is often linked to non-driven, unambitious, under-achieving personality types...

Alcoholism definitions


habitual intoxication; prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms

See also: inebriation drunkenness


an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess

See also: dipsomania potomania