Albino in a sentence as a noun

So at night now he's a live horse but is dead albino during the day.

"Today I am going to London", "I just saw an albino cat [photo of cat]" etc.

There are leucistic ravens that are beige and albino ravens that are white.

If your niche was synchronous swimming albino eels, then you probably didn't need any SEO.

He's often said he wants to breed albino elk because hunters will pay a fortune to bag one, but he has yet to get even one.

Once we can create pink polkadot tigers that fetch your slippers, who cares about the albino Siberian tiger?

And those 8 foot tall reeds are everywhere - I can just imagine full of rats and albino sewer alligators of immense size.

Why does it have to be a professional artist, why not an albino one, or someone who only has 8 fingers, or an artist period?

$3 A man who collects prisms finds his house inundated with refracted light, such that he is transformed into a superpowerful albino who masquerades at as a wild horse at night.

>“Let’s build a forty-story-high indoor replica of ancient Rome full of albino tigers in the middle of the desert, and so become slightly richer than people who didn’t!”One could argue that the value added here is the environment.

Aren't the autistic-transgendered-albino hackers are also an underrepresented group?

Albino definitions


a person with congenital albinism: white hair and milky skin; eyes are usually pink