Airfield in a sentence as a noun

> Maybe you shouldn't have named it "airfield", then?It's been there since the 1820s.

How convenient is it for you to access an airfield near your home and common destinations?

I knew a pilot who installed the blue lights used for airfield taxiways alongside his driveway.

Some of the supposed pictures of Osama are from in the hanger at the Afghanistan airfield.

2. turning back to my local airfield because my 2-year old son was puking like crazy in the back... now all these blackbird stories make me really, really jealous.

The real perk is having _access_ to something that's not on the market for any price - the privilege of a convenient government airfield.

The aircraft had fuel to fly to destination, divert to an alternate airfield and hold there for 30 minutes as mandated by regulations.

Most programmers just want to make a difference in someones life, make something people will use. I arranged for a team to spend time at a package sorting facility on an airfield in the freezing rain so they could feel the pain and frustration of the people using outdated technology.

Airfield definitions


a place where planes take off and land

See also: field