Agronomy in a sentence as a noun

I studied agronomy and am well familiar with Berrey's work.

– I work with some of the top scientists in the fields of climatology, agronomy, data science, and remote sensing.

> Over a year, the equipment can capture 4,000 tons of CO2Not to be glib, and I'm no agronomy expert, but a quick google tells me that's about equivalent to a square mile of hay field.

> Ford hadn’t bothered to learn anything about botany or agronomy before embarking on his Fordlândia experiment.

Solum's intuitive interface gives crop advisors and growers access to the information they need to make critical agronomy and farm management decisions in the field.

Spending time on improving agronomy and marketing could yield hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional revenue vs. saving $50,000 on a commercial solution that will retain much of its value and can be resold later.

Agronomy definitions


the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production