Agricultural in a sentence as an adjective

[He did mention that Dole/Chiquita have controlled its agricultural exports, but left it at that.

Often this takes the form of hard, manual labor, agricultural or otherwise.

Rather, in those places agricultural work in paddy fields made clothing that allowed a wide range of movement with modesty very helpful.

They provide kids with the chance to run an organic garden from both the operational/agricultural side and the business side of things.

".I've worked with engineers building hardware, both medical and agricultural, and much of their day-to-day work is based on their innate understanding of the tasks at hand.

Indeed, the image of the rich fat-cat is a lot older than merely the last century.> "My opinion - food processing and the agricultural revolution.

Then, in possibly the biggest PR fuckup ever, a newly formed company taking only the agricultural IP from the old Monsanto decided to keep the name.

Its a literature review which includes an assessment of a huge assortment of papers, mostly about stuff like forest fires and fires used for clearing agricultural land.

A metabolic derangement caused by overly processed agricultural products.

Singapore was settled earliest by ethnic groups similar to those in current Malaysia, with a big influx of wretchedly poor agricultural laborers for plantation labor during the British colonial period.

[1]In 1995, Rifkin contended that worldwide unemployment would increase as information technology eliminates tens of millions of jobs in the manufacturing, agricultural and service sectors.

The transitions from nomadic to semi-nomadic to semi-agricultural to fully agricultural lifestyles happened over centuries.

The submitted article notes, "For each group, the data included a description of its agricultural methods as far back in time as it was possible to go using historical evidence or, in the case of groups which did not have a written language, the first time they were observed by outsiders.

The cycle goes like this: Insufficient supply one year results in very high prices Everyone and his grandmother decides to plant raisins 5 years pass Theres a giant glut, and prices drop through the floor All the raisin farmers decide to ditch such a shitty product Repeat This cycle absolutely wrecks agricultural economies which are dependent on one or a handful of key exports.

"the notion that the governments raisin-administrators ward off chaotic gyrations in prices far-fetched: walnut and citrus farmers, after all, have abandoned similar systems in recent years without any ill effects"This issue has been studied extensively - "agricultural central banks" are a bad way to deal with a perishable commodity because they shift demand volatility onto the government's balance sheet and so dull the incentive for supply to adjust, or find ways to become more versatile.

More relevant questions:- Why don't we stop subsidizing corn so much?- Why don't we teach effective nutrition and cooking in school?- Why don't we teach effective exercise, sports, and fitness in schools?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco sales to children, why not things like added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- If we can ban alcohol and tobacco advertising to children, why not products with added sugar, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, etc?- Why don't we limit advertising on fast and junk "food"?- Why don't we provide healthy lunches to school children instead of using them to subsidize agricultural conglomerates for low quality food?- Why don't we stop subsidizing fossil fuels so much so people would walk and ride bikes more?- Why don't we align our medical system with prevention instead of expensive and risky cures?You can come up with plenty more questions that would mostly obviate the need to wonder about obesity and wonder ***** to cure it.

Agricultural definitions


relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming; "agricultural engineering"; "modern agricultural (or farming) methods"; "agricultural (or farm) equipment"; "an agricultural college"


relating to rural matters; "an agrarian (or agricultural) society"; "farming communities"

See also: agrarian