Aggravate in a sentence as a verb

While I'm ranting, mice with heavy batteries aggravate carpal tunnel.

But that doesn't solve the problem of bad comments that get tons of upvotes, in fact it will probably aggravate that problem.

But more importantly I don't want to aggravate my chances of getting arrested by dealing with the people who typically deal such things.

If you are really interested in "fighting abuse" by the government, then don't further aggravate the situation.

The point is you can introduce all the changes you want if you do it slowly and never aggravate significant percentage of the population.

I find this aggravating and figure the designer of such a language is a control freak who will likely continue to aggravate me in other stupid ways.

They were perfectly aware that they were helping to aggravate an already difficult situation and they, by action taken with a view to their person profit or advantage, were creating the very situation which they professed to fear.

It only serves to promote your dev work and elevate your media presence, which i would expect to further aggravate your local govt.- the govt likely knows that actions like this, properly publicized, only lead to an increase in the reach and use of your product, in direct contradiction to your suggestion that they don't want to have your product circulate.

A lot of people found or work for startups or small companies simply because they can't stand the corporate dynamics at BigCo, whether it's not being responsible for enough things and feeling like you have no impact, or doing boring things day after day, or bad management and bosses, or something else--if you feel like you wouldn't like a corporate job and you're already depressed, getting that job at a stable company is just going to aggravate you further.

Aggravate definitions


make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain"

See also: worsen exacerbate exasperate


exasperate or irritate

See also: exacerbate exasperate