Agape in a sentence as a noun

So the guy is agape, and says, you don't know what a pojo is?

I'm still a bit agape at what they seem to have done to the in-app back button.

Yet people wonder, mouth agape, why I prefer staying up in Seattle.

I'm agape at such a bizarre use of social media.

Anyone else with their mouth agape as they scroll down the listing looking at those images?

On page 79 there is a picture of RMS sitting in a chair, mouth agape, in bare feet, with both hands on his dick.

"That sounds brutal," Melanie said with her eyelids agape.

Agape in a sentence as an adjective

I have had three people literally stand agape when they've seen me using Swype to message someone quickly.

If you stop and look around, you see people from all over the planet, young and old, looking around jaws agape at some of the wonders.

A redesign so shocking and deep bestowed upon a product so popular left many mouths agape.

If their jaws are agape it's because they are falling asleep, or because they weren't expecting the Mona Lisa to be so small.

Go to a movie theater, look around, and ask what percentage of attendees would, in fact, want to spend the next 2 hours going thru an approximation of what they're going to sit there, mouth agape, staring at.

If you want more RAM in your iPad so much that you'll spend $100 to get it, that makes you less sensitive to price, and so Apple can soak you for the price you're willing to pay while still letting people less agape with the iPad pay less.

Agape definitions


(Christian theology) the love of God or Christ for mankind


selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature)


a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship


with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe; "the gaping audience"; "we stood there agape with wonder"; "with mouth agape"

See also: gaping