Aflutter in a sentence as an adjective

So, umm, next time anyone feels like getting all aflutter about something RMS says or does, check the google. You'll find he's said or done it, or something very much like it, before.

I can handle the sound of a thousand keyboards aflutter in a busy office. I cannot handle a totally quiet room with one person's typing in it.

This isn't the first time I've seen someone with experience only of a lower level language get all aflutter when they first make a real attempt at using a higher level languages. At a contracting gig I had, one of the Java guys gave us a talk about Scala.

Seriously: it doesn't surprise you that the same folks that were so into Q a few months back are suddenly all aflutter with this omg-Fauci-created-covid nonsense?

> Seriously: it doesn't surprise you that the same folks that were so into Q a few months back are suddenly all aflutter with this omg-Fauci-created-covid nonsense? As near as I can tell, your argument here is: create a crazy conspiracy theory, attribute it to Rogin, point to the conspiracy theory as proof that Rogin is crazy.

Aflutter definitions


excited in anticipation

See also: nervous