Affix in a sentence as a noun

"Here boy, affix this pulley to that far tree.

You have to affix a plus sign on every term if you want it actually searched.

You'd affix an emblem on the front of your house with the company you subscribed to.

The other is forced upon players, like what affixes your drops have or whether a dungeon spawns in a given area.

[2]Something else that changed between Diablo 2 and 3 is the way item affixes are randomized.

* The stat ranges on affixes were reduced, lessening the dependence on highly random items.

Whenever I came across a person, word, country, concept I didn't recognize I'd write it on a post-it and affix it to the page.

Affix in a sentence as a verb

In addition to finding the dungeon, and then the item, you also need to get good affixes on the item, then get good rolls on your affixes.

Elite packs with deadly affix sets become common and characters can be killed very quickly at times whether or not they're prepared for what's coming.

If it's "survive to the end" then why not heavily shield your drone, bolt it to a fixed stand, affix a heavy EMP generator, and fry all the other electronics in the room?

Finally, in some slots, the best items in the game were not Legendaries, with their half-random setup, but Rares, with fully random affixes, which instead of 1-3 good affixes, need 5 or 6.

I am also not at all a fan of the left hand navigation panel, I get that they are trying to show off the affix component but I'd rather have the content be full width as its all I am really there for.

Legendary and Set items get some fixed affixes, but even if you got the best item in the game and perfect rolls on the fixed affixes, you still need 1-3 other affixes to get a genuinely good item.

But investigators didnt get involved until a remote-controlled toy enthusiast happened to affix a video camera to an RC aircraft and videotape gallons of what appeared to be blood gushing down the river.

Affix definitions


a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form


attach to; "affix the seal here"


add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language"

See also: append supplement


attach or become attached to a stem word; "grammatical morphemes affix to the stem"