Afferent in a sentence as a noun

The vagus nerve is composed of ~100k fibers of which about 80% are afferent fibers from organs.

‘afferent’ probably should have it.[2] Single space after ‘.’ and ‘,’ in German, whereas French tends to prefer more space after ‘.’.

About 5% of the nerves in the auditory nerve are efferent, and act to modulate the firing of the afferent nerves.

The afferent vagus nerves do signal to the brain when there is a gut infection, and that can certainly cause anxiety and depression.

But if I wanted elevated security, a host with just sshd, courrier, postfix and the afferent mail processing is a pretty tough nut to crack.

Afferent in a sentence as an adjective

At that age, not only is it difficult to learn how to operate new devices, but their afferent & efferent neurons may not be up to the task to begin with.

Functional localization depends on many factors, such as the wiring of afferent and efferent neural tracts, gene expression, and plasticity.

I'm guessing their focus is on the lowest level activities in simple brains, perhaps afferent/efferent sensory perception, metabolic and physiological regulatory control -- the kind of things instrumented in worms like C. Elegans.

A priori, I'd jump to a psychosomatic explanation, since your body's interoceptive afferents are extremely noisy, and so using top-down beliefs to engender an illusion that a vast energy is filling your body ought to be easier than generating other sorts of hallucinations.

Afferent definitions


a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system


of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the CNS; "afferent nerves"; "afferent impulses"