Affectation in a sentence as a noun

" which, while polite, waste everyone's time is the type of cultural affectation I mean.

Are they being sarcastic, is it an affectation, or do they really speak like a parody of every "bro" ever?

It seems like it actually checks the other characters afterwards in some cases, but this affectation is quite misleading.

The archaic style of Menardquite foreign, after allsuffers from a certain affectation.

I understand you, I just disagree with you.>> There's a difference between identity and affectation.

If I were to begin using double commas,, should everyone else alter their reading habits to accommodate my affectation?

" What we really needed to do was not get caught trying to be cool; needed to try so hard that we made it our identity rather than a detectable affectation.

Whether this was a reflection of his true character, or a political affectation, doesn't really matter; the distinction has been lost to the sands of time.

Suits are generally overbearing and a seeming affectation if you wear one in what others assume to be a casual environment.

One of the things that has always fascinated me is how much of our culture is a modern affectation rather than being some deep pattern of human behavior.

I've always thought this to be some sort of affectation intended to elevate themselves above the hoi polloi, but maybe there's some historical basis for it.

It contains excellent advice on improving grammar, and avoiding jargon and affectation in technical writing.

Using rationality as a proxy for morality is a 20th century affectation.

There's something fundamentally wrong with a system in which you are required by protocol to maintain the affectation of hypocrisy in order to avoid being punished for making sense.

If I were to begin using double commas,, should everyone else alter their reading habits to accommodate my affectation?Do double commas serve some purpose other than a presentational quirk?

Friendship wasn't an affectation, it was a necessity; humans are effectively incapable of surviving as an individual with no social support, and these people were, by modern standards, in a constant state of just barely scraping by.

A grain effect added to a digital photo is a kind of affectation, an artifice that is not intimately connected to the process of making the image, included as a stylistic decision; possibly an afterthought.

Affectation definitions


a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display

See also: mannerism pose affectedness