Affable in a sentence as an adjective

Kimbal is the more natural and affable of the two.

If we're simply talking about being an affable guy, then no, most CEOs probably don't pass the test.

It's about affable vs. having your best interests at heart, not affable vs. skilled.

He always had this mischievous twinkle in his eyes, and was so gregarious and affable.

I'm not a pure extrovert by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm affable enough most of the time.

If he didn't see you as vulnerable, he was very affable and supportive, but if he smelled blood, he attacked.

One of their agents would probably have gone through the main scanner and if detected remain very affable and friendly with the TSA.

He usd a good many [shrewd] sayings, bordering on joke, & wit. in company he behavd very agreably; courteous, affable, he was easily made to smile, if not to laugh.

Yes and in addition our new overlords are more affable generally than the old ones, atleast till the status quo changes again.

All that really matters is that you keep cool and present a air of intelligent, affable engagement, no matter how silly the questions are.

Well finding a sustainable affable way to make money to sustain operations is essential.

At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved.

He definitely seemed affable and happy then, but typically depression hides beneath the surface in a destructive isolated world.

Unfortunately for people like you, "good" really does usually mean both affable and extroverted in addition to knowledgeable about both their products/services and your business.

Yeah, I almost feel compelled to follow any salesperson I see at one of those stores who's helping an affable but uninformed person just so that I can correct all the false statements they're told after the salesperson goes away.

Affable definitions


diffusing warmth and friendliness; "an affable smile"; "an amiable gathering"; "cordial relations"; "a cordial greeting"; "a genial host"

See also: amiable cordial genial