Aeroplane in a sentence as a noun

You can't take pictures on an aeroplane?The terrorists have won.

Just as there is no such thing "farmer people", "construction people", or "aeroplane people".

Small aeroplane sounds exciting compared to HN's usual "next best todo app".

For example, Orion's crew vehicle had budgeted 2 aeroplane parachute drop tests.

Steam plants can also be elegant, and they can be extremely efficient and low-emissions, but a steam plant cannot be bolted onto a motor car or a small aeroplane for which a turbine would be inappropriate.

> Even if figures and readings are produced, some will talk about bananas, flying in an aeroplane, and background radiationFrom listening to those people, you might almost think the numbers were factual information to be evaluated thoughtfully!

Is there a co-operative movement in the maker movement - one where the mysterious "Well equipped machine shop" is a co-op or subscription approach - it strikes me as very similar to airplane ownership - very few pilots own a whole aeroplane, and why should every maker own all they needAs an aside I have often felt this would be a fantastic Mythbusters franchise

Proper Noun Examples for Aeroplane

For example I recall one magazine article that, with a completely straight face, told readers that you would be able to buy an "Aeroplane" class that you could slot into pretty much any application that dealt with aeroplanes.

Aeroplane definitions


an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"

See also: airplane plane