Admirer in a sentence as a noun

The admirer was shocked: How can you ask for so much?

I'd put money on it: He's probably actually an admirer of yours.

Marc Andreessen is even on the record as being an admirer of the Windows backwards compat work.

I think his last paragraph sums it up."I have long been an admirer of Gladwell's; I wish I could put stories together the way he does.

As a Rails developer and admirer, this is eye-opening.

If youre admirer of solar, note that an excellent solar panel is 20% efficientshould that disqualify it?

I had a few months free and being a long time Amazon customer and admirer I thought it would be an interesting job to check out for a little bit. I heard it was a warehouse for just books and dvd's, and that it was a brand new warehouse that was just opening up.

I'm a huge admirer of Bitcoin's technical aspects, but I would never even think of borrowing money to invest in anything, let alone bitcoins.

Maybe, on any other day she would have been annoyed, as it was something that she didn't appreciate, but would have let it go. However, after all the trouble with the founder, his wife and the admirer, she saw the hola hooping as a sign that it was better for her to leave.

As a conservative voting Brit, Thatcherite and Reagan admirer, you'd think I would be a natural republican sympathiser.

As a long-time admirer of Patagonia and other companies that incorporate sustainability and social responsibility into their businesses, it is great to see this happening.

As a geek in programming/computers/information/mathematics, but only a physics admirer from afar, it is very suggestive, even natural, to explain the deepest physical reality in terms of information:"It was as though particles gradually lost their individual autonomy and became pawns of the collective state.

I'm an admirer of Ross Anderson but it seems, based on the reporting, the Garcia et al have got themselves into a slightly different situation - I don't think that the chip and PIN disclosures ever resulted in an actual injunction from an actual court, all the banks were doing there was essentially threatening the researchers involved and the academics as a whole.

Admirer definitions


a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"

See also: supporter protagonist champion booster friend


a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves


someone who admires a young woman; "she had many admirers"

See also: adorer