Admiration in a sentence as a noun

Trying to earn their admiration... I feel bad for you.

**** Obama O's, to **** with their Cap'n McCains, and all the struggle that earned my admiration.

Perhaps they are drawn by the power, the apparent admiration, or some desire to "serve his/her country.

His interactions with the wealthy men he worked for generated feelings not of admiration and example, but contempt.

If by "if by 'if by whiskey'" you mean to circularly employ the same manipulative tactic of deceptive self-promotion, then I am certainly against it. But if by "if by 'if by whiskey'" you mean to strategically exercise the same practice out of admiration of its effective and pacifying avail to reason, then I am certainly for it. That is my position.

That society has moved past those prejudices and is able to look back at his work with admiration, and shame for his treatment, is a gratifying refutation of his fears, not a convenient retelling of his story to fit modern agendas.

Admiration definitions


a feeling of delighted approval and liking

See also: esteem


the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising

See also: wonder wonderment


a favorable judgment; "a small token in admiration of your works"

See also: appreciation