Adjustment in a sentence as a noun

This relative adjustment is easier to get when the overall price level tends to move upwards.

It put me in the weird position of asking for a proper market-rate adjustment just 6 months later. I got exactly what I asked for the third time too, but this time it was much more fair.

After a couple of weeks adjustment my productivity went way up. I also felt a lot better in myself - generally sharper and more on the ball.

The iPhone's software, on the other hand, is doing some auto-adjustment before the file hits the SD card. It's optimized for a decent photo without any manual steps.

This leadership adjustment bodes well for the future of HN as a community for thoughtful discussion.

While considering a price adjustment on a high-value item I'm selling, I went to their fee calculator to explore some other price points. I was mystified to see not only the fee I expected of ~$55, but a 'New Fee' of $123.

The result is a non-chaotic adjustment of the network flow. The converse is that everyone starts out going as fast as they can, they not only overwhelm the node the node ends up getting massively congested for a moment trying to sort things out.

That new theory could have significant ramifications, or it could be a minor adjustment to current theory that changes nothing.

If I forgot to make an adjustment, I'd arrive early. Restaurants were occasionally annoying when I wanted lunch and they were still finishing late breakfast service, but they tend to have some crossover time anyway, and I don't mind a 1 pm lunch either.

0 Yishan Wong: Yes, we are relocating ppl back to SF w/generous relo package & COL adjustment, +3mos severance for anyone who can’t make the move, and no, the timeline for the move is not 1 week, but through the end of the year. Decision was also independent of fundraising.

I'm an army intelligence analyst, deployed to Eastern Baghdad, pending discharge for "adjustment disorder" in lie of "gender identity disorder." I'm sure you're pretty busy.

Barring an adjustment in what they are, they grow to the point that they eventually consume 100% of the economy in something like 40 years in conjunction with interest payments, but of course they become completely unsustainable long before then. There's no solution that doesn't involve cuts, and lots of them.

Bloomberg really puts its bias on display: > The Heartbleed flaw, introduced in early 2012 in a minor adjustment to the OpenSSL protocol, highlights one of the failings of open source software development. And its discovery and resolution highlights one of the advantages of open-source software development.

And that can be a big adjustment, and the types of folks that Google typically hire usually react to not being on top by working harder. It's up to you to set limits on the amount of time you're willing to spend working, and most new hires at Google are used to being limited by "the amount of work my boss/professor/thesis advisor throws at me", not by the number of hours in the day.

This is probably because the adjustment of filter and resonance controls in DSP require constant recalibration of filter coefficients, which is computationally expensive and not well implemented here. It is not normal to filter individual oscillators on an analog synthesizer.

Quote Examples using Adjustment

Their biggest worry seems to be that if they make an adjustment for one person then everyone else will demand one as well . . . as though the cost of making such adjustments even across the board is greater than the cost of having to re-hire half the team every year. As a result they make such adjustments rarely, and try to keep them all hush-hush so nobody finds out, but it never works.


Adjustment definitions


making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances

See also: accommodation fitting


the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)

See also: alteration modification


the act of adjusting something to match a standard

See also: registration readjustment


the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)

See also: adaptation adaption


an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"

See also: allowance