Adeptness in a sentence as a noun

And yes, it did test both social adeptness to some extent.

Stack adeptness = time + number of solved edge cases on said stack.

That doesn't mean that technical adeptness is going down.

There's a cost to the "free" route: technical adeptness & tools, time digging for what you want, dealing with crappy rips, etc.

In her case, it was an adeptness at gaming the corporate management system.

It also requires a bit of political adeptness and a bit of visionary helps as well.

Difficulty with a stack has an inverse relationship to adeptness.

I've never been in an environment where everyone was just brimming over with technical adeptness.

Because of crime, and its adeptness at enforcing agreements, BitCoin has a strong tangible base upon which it can grow its ecosystem.

I doubt there's a strong correlation between an artistic propensity and an adeptness for critical thinking.

In addition to gauging writing skills and technical adeptness, those two requirements are a pretty good filter against spray-and-pray applicants.

Has Ballmer demonstrated a particular adeptness with numbers or the nuts and bolts of operating a massive corporation?

A good definition, I personally like, of a hacker is the technical adeptness and a delight in solving problems and overcoming limits.

]perhaps what is more important to a researcher than programming ability is adeptness at dealing with command-line bullshittery, since that enables one to become 10x or even 100x more productive than peers by finding, installing, configuring, customizing, and remixing the appropriate pieces of free software.

Adeptness definitions


skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer"

See also: adroitness deftness facility quickness