Acyclic in a sentence as an adjective

As long as your data structures are acyclic, that allows for a very low upper bound on GC pause times.

Navigation is a wasteful chore!The problem is that success is not a discrete, directed acyclic graph.

A "cycle" in a directed graph is a loop that connects a node to itself along directed edges, so "acyclic" just means there aren't any loops.

What helps is ensuring your dependencies are acyclic so you're able to do smaller incremental compiles when you make changes.

Saying "Rails is omakase" is a lot like saying "git stores a directed acyclic graph of revisions" or "A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors".

Almost universally, I find that GC'd projects large enough to have memory management best practices implicitly do away with this freedom at the first opportunity by calling for acyclic or single-parent object ownership graphs.

Acyclic definitions


not cyclic; especially having parts arranged in spirals rather than whorls


having an open chain structure

See also: open-chain