Actualise in a sentence as a verb

With DW that was the only way to actualise certain designs though.

The only way I can self actualise today is in the smallest of spheres, the most local of effects.

By having to actually write down what you think on a topic, you first have to actualise what it is you think.

The ones who are happiest have a high degree of personal autonomy and self actualise to work on things which interest them.

For a young guy a startup is not only a way to riches -- it is also a way to self-actualise, to define one's identify.

Good developers are self managing and self actualised and self motivated I believe.

It takes a community or at least several interested programmers to actualise it.

I often wonder if political parties are to scared to actualise an efficient ideation system, least the bottom up contradict the leadership.

And you just went at it, creating products and getting cash from users from it?Are you a good programmer?I've been thinking about these things a lot, but finding it hard to actualise everything around it.

But if history teaches anything, great artists have always walked this tight rope between covering living costs through patronage and finding freedom and artistic license to actualise their own vision.

My simulation of a laptop will include a pattern of high and low magnetic charges on its simulated hard disc, without my understanding the software which those patterns ultimately actualise.

Actualise definitions


make real or concrete; give reality or substance to; "our ideas must be substantiated into actions"

See also: realize realise actualize substantiate


represent or describe realistically

See also: actualize