Actor in a sentence as a noun

They truly think like hackers -- "if I were a bad actor, how would I abuse this feature?

The thesis here seems to be "I can no longer be a parasitic bad actor in this ecosystem!

Bad actors are attempting to look like good actors, but good actors aren't trying to avoid looking like bad actors.

These actors behave only offensively because they have nothing to defend.

However, the implied power behind the arsenals gave them a lot of power when dealing with smaller actors.

But it's time to admit to ourselves that Apple is simply a bad actor, and it's only a matter of time before they hurt something for real.

Bank of America was the most prominent actor in this regard; but now, even they have stopped offering money transfer service.

The process is here to protect the web's interests regardless of whether any one actor's intent is good or not. If Google steamrolls everyone today, who will steamroll everyone tomorrow?

Either you're insinuating that 'tptacek is a malicious actor, or that he's incompetent.

Any central authority that governs what you are and are not allowed to do with your smartphone is thus an incredibly powerful political actor.

A state actor would merely have to obtain the identity of one key in a series of transactions on the blockchain, and would gain far more information than any informant could provide.

It's ironic that when the Chinese attack against Google occurred, we thought the Chinese government was the most hostile state actor threat to worry about, but it turned out to be the US and UK government.

After all, what executive wants to admit that the man or woman he has been paying high 6 figures to advise him for months is actually a talented actor/mimic at best and an idiot at worst?

It would be scary enough if such an actor were governed by the democratic state, which had at least some theoretical accountability to the general population.

It asks your permission to access pretty much everything on your profile and when you finally accept it cuts to a fullscreen, high production video of an incredibly creepy actor on a computer in a really dingy room.

Actor definitions


a theatrical performer

See also: histrion player thespian


a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"

See also: doer worker