Acquiescence in a sentence as a noun

In fact, with Google's acquiescence it is going to be actively blocked.

" In it's place, we tend to have more focused R&D, which is still kind of nifty, but can imply a certain amount of acquiescence with the status quo.

Then give him a second letter, acknowledging his fault/acquiescence to the affidavit.

"The demise of RSS""The downfall of RSS"Or if you want to get superdramatic: "The silent acquiescence of RSS to an untimely demise"

It's been my experience that women respond best to a combination of theatrics and measured acquiescence, and that they will give you a lot of feedback on how they want you to be.

" Nation-states require the moral acquiescence of it's citizens.

By definition, if the actions of the powerful determine what is legal, then the acquiescence of the powerful to the status quo defines legality as much as their embrace of force.

A priviledge contingent on the acquiescence of hundreds of different powers from celebrities to media companies to governments.

McCarthyism required a level of public acquiescence and homogeneity of thought that could only exist under the threat of Soviet domination and nuclear holocaust.

As an Australian citizen myself I'm disappointed but not at all surprised in the silence of the Australian government on this issue and the apparent acquiescence to US demands.

Can the states use the USG's acquiescence to state nullification of federal powers ensured by the Commerce Clause in this instance to establish precedence for nullifying federal law in other areas?

I would argue that this ability to maintain the belief that the law is a body of consistent, politically neutral rules that can be objectively applied by judges in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, goes a long way toward explaining citizens' acquiescence in the steady erosion of their fundamental freedoms.

Acquiescence definitions


acceptance without protest


agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly"

See also: assent