Accusatory in a sentence as an adjective

[Note] the tone of the question is curious and not accusatory

I just wanted to say, I appreciate the response and I wasn't trying to be accusatory here.

If you were that hurt, I don't think posting a string of accusatory but unspecific tweets would help your cause better.

I'm sure there are exceptions, but I would ask you to back up such a broad and accusatory statement with some evidence.

I absolutely love how Musk handled it though: pointed accusatory question?

Instead, a lot of these arguments turn into accusatory conspiracy theory threads, as though things changing is a sign of some "secret plan".

Your point-by-point answer focuses on the details of his post rather than his general point, and makes your answer both pedantic and accusatory.

Double standards, talks of how to make the relationship work perfectly for everyone involved, rigid rules of conduct, accusatory claims about the other person.

Regarding that, I only know what I've read from commercial pilots and heard from a family member who's a commercial pilot in the last week, though I appreciate the accusatory tone.

Why wouldn't he try to find out as much about this as you can before writing an accusatory article?Further, why is he running a full-system security scan on a fresh installation of Windows?

I'd love to see your variation tested too but the data-driven "above average" feels much less accusatory and supportive than subjective labeling of "poor student" and "valued contributor".

Sad that they still haven't added a requirement that you accept an invite to become a collaboratorThat's one way to look at it..the other way is that they just designed coded, tested and rolled out a feature a day or two after a fairly hostile and accusatory customer complaint.

Accusatory definitions


containing or expressing accusation; "an accusitive forefinger"; "black accusatory looks"; "accusive shoes and telltale trousers"- O.Henry; "his accusing glare"

See also: accusative accusing accusive