Accented in a sentence as an adjective

This: "The unaccented Roman letters didnt spell out the code.

I would start to type, the keyboard froze up and then a bunch of special accented characters would show up.

For other languages with a lot of accented characters it's not even a contest.

They were the spaces that separated the words of the real message, which was actually written in the glyphs and accented text.

Most people understand even a highly accented "open office".

Just watch this video[1] of Siri asking for the user to choose Home or Work and then after the user, who has a heavily accented English, says "work" twice it offers up "walk" and "wall".

I am glad to see I'm not the only one who has done this!Ever since my first Garmin GPS, I have always switched to the Australian accented English because it 'felt the most accurate'.

* What automated tools exist to remove BOM's or change accented characters into regular ones, if other automated tools don't accept Unicode?

For the purposes of IRC, you must treat {|} as the 'lower-case' versions of [\], because IRC was invented in Scandinavia and it did indeed use those character-codes for accented characters.

There is more than one way of representing many text sequences using Unicode; for example, combining diacritics vs accented characters.

... Ahh, here is it "The text is not canonicalized, so a single accented code point is distinct from the same character constructed from combining an accent and a letter; those are treated as two code points.

The Optimus only changes the labels to more accurately reflect the function the button already has in a given context- such as replacing "U" with a rectangle symbol in Photoshop, or showing accented characters when you hold down the right modifier key.

Accented definitions


used of syllables; "a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word"

See also: tonic


bearing a stress or accent; "an iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in `delay'"

See also: stressed