Accelerate in a sentence as a verb

When HN's down, all of them accelerate to levels normally unseen.

This ethylene gas will accelerate the ripening/rot of nearby apples.

Actually had to accelerate the computer purchases because we were using them past the end of AppleCare.

I think Microsoft really wants/needs to accelerate the adoption of Windows 8 even if that means taking a hit on license fees.

To raise perigee in the most efficient manner, you accelerate prograde at apogee.

Whatever they can do to accelerate adoption of W8 in the enterprise and consumer markets will more than pay off in the long-term.

But you can watch the videos and subscribe right there and then to accelerate your journey to the point where you're ready to stump up some cash for the secret to success.

Things accelerate, and acceleration requires energy, and when you factor that in, the equations balance out again.

If you put two of them in one aircraft, and fired both guns forward while opening up the throttle, the guns would win and you’d accelerate backward.> To put it another way: If I mounted a GAU-8 on my car, put the car in neutral, and started firing backward from a standstill, I would be breaking the interstate speed limit in less than three seconds.

Accelerate definitions


move faster; "The car accelerated"

See also: speed quicken


cause to move faster; "He accelerated the car"

See also: speed