Abusive in a sentence as an adjective

The scare quotes around "abusive" are of course the most obvious.

He never paid his bills, he was extremely abusive, he was often very unethical, and would do anything to make an extra buck.

This sort of abusive, insecure extension poisons the well for all extension developers.

Why is DOM write permission not separated from DOM read perms?If Google doesn't crack down on abusive extensions like this, they risk users losing trust in the Chrome "brand".

Ukraine is dependent on Russia for things like natural gas, and thus cannot simply break away from the abusive relationship.

It doesn't happen often enough that abusive litigants get what they deserve but, when it does occasionally happen, it is very nice to see.

The moment they decided to cross that line and become abusive in that manner, they made a conscious choice to break our terms and the result is the enforcement of that.

It is true that there is much abusive litigation but there is obviously a line that cannot be crossed without inviting horrific consequences.

Those who try to take away from his accomplishment by either convincing him that it would be "smarter" to be spineless or that somehow it's wrong to have a spine, are even more despicable than Josh's abusive ex-boss.

These are the most soulless snake oil salesmen on earthTo say that about webmasters, already victims of years of abusive SEO spamming, when they then refuse to help an abusive site clean up its own mess for free .. I have no words.

"Next: "Obama did not fulfill his promises and expanded several 'abusive' national security initiatives.

Without fully understanding exactly what they are doing, however, it sounds highly abusive of the Mail app's rendering capabilities, and points to exploitable paths within the Mail app that probably need to be tightened up by Apple.

Abusive definitions


expressing offensive reproach

See also: opprobrious scurrilous


characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment; "abusive punishment"; "argued...that foster homes are abusive"