Absentminded in a sentence as an adjective

What's an absurd amount for you is the result of absentminded snacking for someone else.

Let me guess, I must also be dull, inattentive, absentminded?

They can fit in narrow spaces, they don't require petroleum, and they have enough intelligence to avoid certain kinds of absentminded user error. They are animals and they have personalities that machines will never have.

Though a chronically absentminded student in nearly every other subject, I excelled under his system and completed homework every night, an accomplishment I can say with certainty I never once again achieved in high school. While the knowledge acquired from other courses has atrophied over the years, those classes are still as lucid as ever in my mind.

Absentminded definitions


lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"

See also: absent abstracted scatty