Abortive in a sentence as an adjective

Took me right back to my abortive flirtation with EE as an undergrad.

PHP's versioning has generally been a bit weird since the abortive PHP 6 project.

But yea part of that is breaking the task down, thinking about it, maybe making a couple abortive attempts to complete it.......

But if not, well... look at some video of the abortive Judiciary markup to see what you're up against.

Yes, i discovered the limitations of phone barcode apps during a brief, abortive attempt to scan in my book collection.

I did this as a kid - serious fun. Used the americium from a smoke detector as a source, after several abortive attempts to build a synchrotron...

I'm in the process of winding down my abortive startup and fielding a lot of questions from confused friends who think I'm just months away from giving them a ride on my yacht.

Abortive definitions


failing to accomplish an intended result; "an abortive revolt"; "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President"

See also: stillborn unsuccessful