Abortifacient in a sentence as a noun

If this was the case in the US than birth control, Plan B, and abortifacient ***** would never have been invented here.

There's a plant, silphium, that went extinct in the ancient Near East because it was overharvested as an effective abortifacient.

Very high doses of vitamin C are also an abortifacient, although it's not as reliable as other medical methods.

I've seen it suggested that abortifacients of various kinds and effectivenesses were pretty widely known and used, actually.

Abortifacient in a sentence as an adjective

There have been issues with pharmacists refusing to dispense legally prescribed abortifacients.

While I'm strongly pro-choice, I also don't think 7-11 should be selling abortifacient ***** -- just because technology can make some decisions easy to execute on, doesn't mean they should be as easy as clicking a button.

Weird that my first guess isn't considered, that it could be from a now extinct plant, perhaps harvested to extinction like the abortifacient plant used in ancient Rome or destroyed in after the plant drew the ire of someone powerful.

>I have always thought abortion an act of barbarism against which both the past and the future would revoltGiven that the use of abortifacients is well documented for the entire duration of recorded history, this seems unlikely.

Abortifacient definitions


a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion

See also: aborticide


causing abortion