Abomination in a sentence as a noun

The touchpad is an abomination - and plus they soldered one of the RAMs to the motherboard.

I hate that this guy is out there making my fun little project into an abomination.

And not the abomination from **** that Oracle gets away with charging huge amounts of money for!!

I consider it an abominationYou either give the human full control, or cut their control entirely.

My thoughts exactly, instead of killing it off or at least limiting it to the browser, we're trying to shove that abomination everywhere.

Holy **** just write your web pages in html, not everything needs to be a crazy javascript abomination where the body text fades in slowly

#21: Floating navbars are an abomination and make your site incredibly frustrating to read on a mobile device -- especially in landscape mode.

Is that so I have to display my equipment prominently for my friends to see?• If I tried to describe what an abomination U-verse's DVR experience is, my head would explode.

He was extremely clear that anything less than a multibillion dollar IPO was a pathetic failure, and hed resign before hed let such an abomination happen.

Even though J is the work of APL's creator, Ken Iverson, whom I had the pleasure of meeting at various APL conferences, I consider it an abomination and a huge step backwards.

Abomination definitions


a person who is loathsome or disgusting


hate coupled with disgust

See also: abhorrence detestation execration loathing odium


an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence; "his treatment of the children is an abomination"