Abandonment in a sentence as a noun

It's better than abandonment, but that's all you can say about it.

"Transferring wealth" isn't an abandonment of fiduciary duty, it's exactly what you do when you hire people and pay them.

In fact, Thiel doesn't, he advocates the abandonment of politics as the vehicle for solving problems, which is something quite different.

Actually, I see this as the abandonment of resolution independence.

Also, if they don't, and for whatever reason this guys beer becomes popular and loss of distinctiveness occurs, they may lose their trademark via abandonment.

That last one always gets me... Cant believe its been that way for so long, considering the type of people who visit this site....There's "not having time to work on it" and then theres "complete abandonment.

Individuals must fear the punishment for them and their families that comes after the commission or effective endorsement of fraud; they must know that we, the technical community, will not protect their abandonment of ethics.

It's unbelievably annoying to listen to all the bizarre justification that goes on about Apple products, and I'm sure this size shift and abandonment of their previous sizes completely will get some kind of fence moving justification.

> laws that state any home improvement must bring the entire house up to current building codesThis is patently false> this leads to urban decay and property abandonment on a massive scaleAustralia does not have property abandonment nor urban decay on a massive scale.

This game plays like an old "choose your own adventure"; you have "choices", but everything is pre-determined and there are only a handful of available story routes, which in this case are designed to make it difficult to complete the game while selecting any of the presented moral options and then to show that you'll only have a few dollars left in exchange for abandonment of all principles.

Abandonment definitions


the act of giving something up

See also: forsaking desertion


withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility; "his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless"

See also: desertion defection


the voluntary surrender of property (or a right to property) without attempting to reclaim it or give it away